WUSB – Show Rules

  1. Request

A Saint Bernard club wishing to organise a WUSB Show must first familiarise itself with the WUSB show regulations and adhere to them.

  • The official request needs to be submitted to the Secretariat at least 2 years in advance and in sufficient time to be scheduled on the agenda of the annual delegates’ meeting and to allow the delegates to vote on it.
  • The date of the show must be fixed at least 18 months in advance. The club must announce the venue and the weekend program at the delegates’ meeting. If the club wishes to change the rules, the decision may be taken by the delegates at this meeting.
  • The show judges will be elected at this delegates' meeting. Each member club has the right to make a proposal. The judges are elected by the delegates. The 4 judges with the most votes are appointed to judge the WUSB exhibition. The next 4 ranked judges form the reserve.
  • Clubs that have not nominated a national judge may propose a judge from another member club once every two years. The proposed judges must have references in the breed and/or have judged Saint Bernards at least twice at international, national or club shows in the member countries and be on the official judges’ lists of the FCI or the national Kennel Club. They must have attended at least one WUSB judges' meeting within the last three years. If a judge is unable to attend a meeting, he must apologise in writing prior to it. Repeated unexcused absences will result in a ban on appointment. A judge should not judge two years in a row at the WUSB. If a judge cancels his invitation, he will be replaced by a reserve judge in the voting order. When inviting to the show, the organiser will indicate the regular judges as well as the reserve judges.
  1. Organisation

The entire organisation of the WUSB exhibition, including the duration of the show, i.e., one day (WUSB show only) or two days (WUSB show in combination with another exhibition), and the program is the responsibility of the organising club. If a two-days-show is being held, the WUSB show shall be held first.

The organising club appoints a Show Manager experienced in organising shows. He should be listed on the registration form as the contact person for the exhibitors.

The organisers must first obtain the permission of the WUSB Board to organise the show according to point 1, paragraph 2. Secondly, the approval of the national Kennel Club of the organising club must be obtained for the second show, if any.

The WUSB board is to be informed about the approval once it has been received.

Organisers must be insured by their club to run the event. A copy of the insurance certificate has to be presented to the WUSB board.

Classification and order of judgement:

Baby class (4 - 6 month) (optional)

Puppy class (6 - 9 month) (optional)

Junior class (9 - 18 month)

Intermediate class (15 – 24 month)

Open class (from 15 month)

Champion class (from 15 month) – a copy of the Champion title must be attached to the entry form.

Veteran class (from 8 years)

Couple group (two dogs of different sex, same breed, same owner)

Breeders’ group (three to five dogs from the same kennel)

Progeny group (one male or female with three to five of their offspring)

Entry in the champion class is subject to the show rules of the organising member country, a copy of the title must be sent with the entry. These regulations must be stated in the invitation as well as in the entry forms.

The organiser must check the identification and age of the participating dogs as well as the correct distribution by class and sex. The dogs entered must have valid FCI pedigrees.

The organiser may propose other competitions, e.g. for "Junior Handlers" after the official competitions.

The deadline for entries is about three weeks before the exhibition (left to the organiser).

Publicity in the form of posters, newspaper advertisements, and radio or TV commercials is important to promote and publicize the breed.

  1. Financing

The organiser is responsible for the financing of the WUSB exhibition.

The WUSB treasury pays a subsidy, the amount of which is determined by the Delegates’ meeting.

The entry fee should be kept as low as possible. Entry for breeders/progeny groups and couple classes is free of charge.

Should a WUSB Congress be held as the same time as the WUSB Show, the additional financial questions have to be clarified with the WUSB board in advance. This event, as well as the delegates’ or judges’ meeting, should take place in the vicinity of the exhibition area, if possible, in the hotel provided for the delegates and judges.

Judge's expenses:

The organiser will pay for the banquet, the hotel room the day before and the day after the judging as well as lunch and dinner on the day of the judging for each acting judge and one accompanying person.

Travel expenses are not covered by the organising club. An agreement will be made between the judge and the club that nominated the judge.


A banquet for about 100 to 150 persons is proposed, if possible, with music, the day before or on the evening of the 1st day (for 2-day shows). The meal should be typical of the country, but not too expensive.



Hotels in various price categories. At least one hotel should allow dogs in the rooms. One hotel should be reserved for judges and delegates. Camping facilities should be available near the exhibition site; and if possible, on the exhibition site.

  1. Exhibition schedule

The WUSB-Show is opened by the president of the organising club and the president of the WUSB (or their representatives).

Type of exhibition:

Breeding exhibition with CAC awards.

The dogs receive the qualification given by the FCI:

Excellent - Very Good  - Good  - Sufficient - Disqualified – cannot be judged – Absent

Very Promising – Promising – Not Promising

Placements are to be made according to the FCI regulations.



In good weather, the dogs can be judged outdoors. Tents with tables and chairs must be set up in each ring for ring secretaries and judges.

In case of bad weather, the rings should be moved to a hall. If this is not possible, shelters for dogs and owners should be provided nearby.

Information stands of the WUSB member clubs are encouraged; commercial sales stands are possible.


Public address system (loudspeaker):

Must be present. There should be a speaker to inform the audience about what is happening in the rings. (National language and WUSB language).



The organiser sends the advertising and entry forms at least 6 months before the exhibition to all clubs, who agree to forward them to interested members. The announcement of the show must be printed in the club newspapers.

The regular judges are published in the entry forms, as well as the reserve judges.



Printed or photocopied (clubs and exhibitor advertisements desired, commercial advertising allowed). A preface explains to the visitors the aim and purpose of the WUSB.

Each officiating judge receives a fully completed catalog later.



The personnel required for each ring:

            Ring steward

            Ring secretary (near the judges)

            Ring secretary (at the table)

It is recommended to involve other show staff, such as veterinarian, paramedics, secretary, cleaning staff, etc.


Judging takes place in 4 rings, with one judge per ring. If the number of entries exceeds 200, a fifth ring will be set up by the show director.

Ring 1: Male shorthair

Ring 2: Female shorthair

Ring 3: Male longhair

Ring 4: Female longhair

If necessary, dogs in the baby, puppy and junior classes will be judged in ring 5 by the judge with the most votes among the substitute judges.

The organiser must ensure that ring secretaries are present who speak the judges’ languages.

The judge's reports must be written legibly.

The allocation of the classes to be judged is drawn during the banquet. This drawing of lots will take place under the responsibility of the WUSB President.

  1. Awarding of titles

The following titles will be awarded:

“WUSB Winner“

The title "WUSB Winner" is awarded four times: shorthair and longhair, male and female

“WUSB Junior Winner“

The title "WUSB Junior Winner" is awarded to the dog which has obtained the qualification "1st excellent" in each of the 4 junior classes.

“WUSB Veteran Winner“

The title "WUSB Veteran Winner" is awarded to the dog which has obtained the qualification "1st excellent" in each of the 4 veteran classes.

Final competitions

The WUSB winner is chosen from among the dogs ranked 1st Excellent in the Open, Intermediate

and Champion Class, of the same sex and coat length, in the main ring by the judge who judged theses classes previously.

The WUSB Junior and Veteran winners are chosen in the judging ring by the judge who judged the corresponding classes.

Best couple (all varieties) judged by the judge of ring 1

Best breeders’ group (all varieties) judged by the judge of ring 2

Best progeny group (all varieties) judged by the judge of ring 3

Best Baby (all varieties) judged by the judge in ring 4 or the judge of ring 5, if applicable.

Best Puppy (all varieties) judged by the judge with the highest number of delegate votes or the judge of ring 5, if applicable.

The rest of the main ring is judged by the judge with the highest number of delegate votes.







Best Junior (all varieties) from the 4 WUSB Junior Winners (or the judge of ring 5, if applicable.)

Best Veteran (all varieties) from the 4 WUSB Veteran Winners

Oldest Veteran (Challenge “Jean Prim”)

Junior Handling (if announced)

BOB und BOS (longhair and shorthair) amongst:

WUSB Winner (male and female = 2)

WUSB Junior Winner (male and female= 2)

WUSB Veteran Winner (male and female= 2)

The Best in Show (BIS) is selected among shorthair and longhair BOB.

The organiser has to provide the WUSB committee with representative photos of all winners for the WUSB archive.

  1. Awards

Each entered dog will receive an honorary prize and a certificate.

One gift of honour for each breeders/progeny group and couple entered

WUSB winners, WUSB Veteran winners and WUSB Junior winners receive an engraved award with the WUSB title (WUSB and year) (trophies, cups, plates or similar).

A representative trophy, paid for by the WUSB and presented by the WUSB President, will be awarded to the "Best in Show"

The following prizes will also be awarded:

  • For the best couple
  • For the best progeny group
  • For the best breeders’ group

The organizer is free to award other prizes, e.g., for the dog with the longest journey …

Adopted by the WUSB board on June 6th 2024

Adopted at the Delegates’ meeting in Martigny, June 7th 2024

All previous show rules are hereby repealed.